On This Day - 9th February

At one time The Ringing World had a feature called On This Day where notable events from the past were listed.

Unfortunately, the events weren't related to ringing. This web page is a ringing version of On This Day.

Feb 3rd Feb 4th Feb 5th Feb 6th Feb 7th Feb 8th
Today, Feb 9th
Feb 10th Feb 11th Feb 12th Feb 13th Feb 14th Feb 15th

Note that you need to be registered with PealBase to be able to see peal data associated with the names of ringers. Register now!

Bill Butler has agreed to supply his collection of events that happened on this day. These complement the automated extracts from PealBase.

Bill Butler's Blog for 9th February Edit BBB
1586The parish records of St Botolph, Aldgate contain the following: "That we ded ringe at oure parishe churche the ix daye of ffebruarie in ano 1586 and was ffor joye that the Queene of Skotts that enemy to oure most noble Queens Matie and oure countrie was beheaded ffor the wch the Lorde God be praysed and I wod to god that all her conffederates weare knowne and cut of by the lyke meanes."nv
1755Under this date the parish registers of Drayton Parslow, Bucks records: "Buried. Edward Hall, poor old Bellfounder."CBB237
1806The Norwich and Bury Post records: “Norwich…On Sunday sennight as James Coleman, Bricklayer, of Swardeston was ringing a bell in Swardeston church, when half up, the crown and cannons broke from the bell, and she came down through both floors, breaking the door that covered the well-hole in the lower floor, and killing him instantly on the spot. He was only in the 21st year of his age, and a promising young man.RW1991/79
1850A peal of 5,600 Superlative Surprise Major rung at St Matthew, Bethnal Green by the St James' Society was the first true peal of Surprise Major rung in London. The peal board recording this was destroyed in a fire that consumed the church and bells in December 1869.nv
1924The first peal was rung for the Peterborough Diocesan Guild at Desborough, Northants with 5056 Plain Bob Major, conducted by Harry Baxter. Only two members of the band had rung the method before, and the conductor was calling his first peal of Major.RW1924/99
1935The Cheshire band continued to extend the range of methods in their peals of Minor and achieved one in 42 methods at Disley, Cheshire. This didn't remain the record for long. See December 4, 1923 and May 23, 1935.RW1935/102
1946At a meeting held this day the Midland Counties Association was dissolved.nv
1991The Guildford Diocesan Guild rang the first peal of half-lead Spliced Surprise Major with variable hunt at St Michael's, Basingstoke. The composer was N G Curnow and the conductor was W J Couperthwaite.RW1991/242
Birthdays for 9th February
1929William H Tyler born
Personal Milestones for 9th February
20012000th peal rung by William Butler
First pealers for 9th February
1935First peal rung by Frank H Hicks. Recorded peal total is 858.
1938First peal rung by Lee Bates. Recorded peal total is 2.
1950First peal rung by A Thomas Howes. Recorded peal total is 5.
1950First peal rung by Ewart H Edge. Recorded peal total is 75.
1950First peal rung by Kenneth M Grayson. Recorded peal total is 13.
1951First peal rung by Jean A Brooks. Recorded peal total is 16.
1951First peal rung by Philip P Carter. Recorded peal total is 17.
1952First peal rung by Alan Jewitt. Recorded peal total is 16.
1952First peal rung by Geoff Burden. Recorded peal total is 2.
1952First peal rung by Harold L Curll. Recorded peal total is 1.
1952First peal rung by Lawrence R A Curran. Recorded peal total is 9.
1952First peal rung by Phyllis Davis. Recorded peal total is 1.
1952First peal rung by Richard Burden. Recorded peal total is 1.
1952First peal rung by Stephen Mallen. Recorded peal total is 31.
1952First peal rung by W George Chaplin. Recorded peal total is 2.
1957First peal rung by George Harris. Recorded peal total is 1.
1957First peal rung by Gerald Dale. Recorded peal total is 6.
1957First peal rung by J Mansel Edwards. Recorded peal total is 1.
1957First peal rung by John H Williams. Recorded peal total is 6.
1957First peal rung by Kathleen M Walsh. Recorded peal total is 6.
1957First peal rung by Raymond P Stubbs. Recorded peal total is 2.
1957First peal rung by Robert T Hitchcock. Recorded peal total is 21.
1957First peal rung by Una Hopkins. Recorded peal total is 1.
1958First peal rung by Anne Aldridge. Recorded peal total is 1.
1958First peal rung by John Perrett. Recorded peal total is 1.
1958First peal rung by Mary Piper. Recorded peal total is 1.
1958First peal rung by Michael Stanyon. Recorded peal total is 1.
1958First peal rung by Pam Miller. Recorded peal total is 1.
1959First peal rung by Keith S Ireland. Recorded peal total is 2.
1963First peal rung by A Victor Parton. Recorded peal total is 2.
1963First peal rung by Jack Courtman. Recorded peal total is 1.
1963First peal rung by John Owen. Recorded peal total is 341.
1963First peal rung by John Stillman. Recorded peal total is 3.
1963First peal rung by John Taylor. Recorded peal total is 1.
1964First peal rung by Norcliffe Williams. Recorded peal total is 1.
1964First peal rung by Richard A G Inglis. Recorded peal total is 414.
1966First peal rung by Roger W Price. Recorded peal total is 4.
1968First peal rung by Richard J Hall. Recorded peal total is 110.
1973First peal rung by J Ruth Merrall. Recorded peal total is 5.
1974First peal rung by Ann Esbester. Recorded peal total is 6.
1974First peal rung by David M Phillips. Recorded peal total is 18.
1974First peal rung by Graham P Quarrington. Recorded peal total is 11.
1974First peal rung by Margery Armstrong. Recorded peal total is 1.
1974First peal rung by Robert J Bale. Recorded peal total is 2.
1975First peal rung by Daryl R Woodward. Recorded peal total is 3.
1975First peal rung by Diane I Butler. Recorded peal total is 1.
1975First peal rung by Jonathan F Studd. Recorded peal total is 2.
1975First peal rung by Stephen S Rolfe. Recorded peal total is 1.
1976First peal rung by Hilary Boulding. Recorded peal total is 10.
1977First peal rung by Alan Andrews. Recorded peal total is 1.
1978First peal rung by Hwyel Huw. Recorded peal total is 1.
1979First peal rung by Jolyon P Mitchell. Recorded peal total is 2.
1980First peal rung by Cedric G Alban. Recorded peal total is 2.
1980First peal rung by Gillian M Worsey. Recorded peal total is 5.
1980First peal rung by Martin R Jezzard. Recorded peal total is 6.
1980First peal rung by Nigel G Birt. Recorded peal total is 120.
1980First peal rung by Paul A Harrold. Recorded peal total is 11.
1985First peal rung by John K Harper. Recorded peal total is 7.
1985First peal rung by Mark J Rodwell. Recorded peal total is 5.
1985First peal rung by Sarah M Rodwell. Recorded peal total is 1.
1988First peal rung by John L Kees. Recorded peal total is 1.
1988First peal rung by Jon C S Lovell. Recorded peal total is 7.
1991First peal rung by Perry R Turner. Recorded peal total is 19.
1992First peal rung by Martin J Bright. Recorded peal total is 484.
1992First peal rung by Matthew J S Payne. Recorded peal total is 26.
1992First peal rung by Michael J Moore. Recorded peal total is 3.
1992First peal rung by Penny Alexander. Recorded peal total is 5.
1993First peal rung by Emma Abbey. Recorded peal total is 15.
2001First peal rung by Frances Warrell. Recorded peal total is 1.
2002First peal rung by Jo E Faircloth. Recorded peal total is 7.
2002First peal rung by Sally K Ball. Recorded peal total is 3.
2007First peal rung by James J Watkins. Recorded peal total is 50.
2007First peal rung by Jane Gilman. Recorded peal total is 1.
2007First peal rung by Margo Pownall. Recorded peal total is 1.
2014First peal rung by Jennifer C Willis. Recorded peal total is 1.

If you think an event should be included in On This Day or you believe that an event is incorrect please email otd@pealbase.co.uk

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